Happy franchise, happy life.
Problem: A renowned Ontario based Wimpy’s Diner was receiving some serious feedback from their franchise base. Their current peameal product just wasn’t living up to expectations. When cooking the current product, it contained so much moisture that they were steaming their profits off on the grill. This also resulted in the peameal slices shrinking from 4” in diameter all the way down to as small as 2 ½ ”. This caused issues in delivering the appropriate portion on a breakfast plate, and the diner was having to place 3 or 4 slices to ensure plate coverage. For sandwich applications they would sometimes have to use additional pieces to cover the bun.
Solution: It didn’t take Wimpy’s long to see the difference. Cardinal visited their corporate store and executive culinary teams to put our peameal to the direct test, comparing their current peameal versus ours. The results were immediate! Our traditional vat cured product had less sodium and purge, which resulted in much less steam, shrink, & residue during cooking as well as superior taste and texture in the finished product. This in combination with our uniform slice technology created a finished slice of peameal that was the same full size across all the samples we tested. This created a more consistent product that actually saved Wimpy’s Diner money overall, given all the extra product and labour used in making the previous product. Wimpy’s Diner made the change to our peameal in 2004, and still has it on the menu today.